Shouldn’t I be able to be happy now?
Shouldn’t I feel happy no matter my size, weight, what I eat, or how much I exercise?
Shouldn’t I praise myself for the exercise that I am doing?
When I am this weight, I will be happy.
I would be happy if only I had more control over what I eat.
I’ll be in good shape once I’m up to three miles each morning.
When clients ask this question, I find that they are usually more worried about their ability to accept themselves, not so much about the acceptance of others. When we can truly accept ourselves, others follow.
Learning to love your new body can be a difficult and confusing journey. But it is possible to love yourself unconditionally, no matter your weight and size!
Obsessions often come up with exercise when we aren’t exercising for our happiness and well-being, but instead to restrict/burn calories, lose weight, or maintain a certain bodyweight. This is when exercise becomes a chore instead of something that is enjoyed.
You can find freedom in recovery where every day doesn’t feel like you are obsessing or thinking about what you will eat that day. Or if you are eating the “right” foods.
Facing these challenges and seeing that there is a way to live, not controlled by these intrusive thoughts, is the first step. You probably have some questions.
Defining what a healthy lifestyle looks like for you in your treatment process leads to lasting change. I have found that each individual has different needs based on their lifestyle and movement that they enjoy. Building this foundation takes time, but this holistic approach leads to feeling fulfilled and happy with your body inside and out!
I will support you as you make these changes in your life.
Intuitive eating teaches us to listen to our body and its needs instead of dieting or restricting. There are no good or bad foods in intuitive eating. Intuitive eating promotes balanced nutrition and joyful movement, which requires us to be intuned with our bodies and needs.
Health at Every Size (HAES) discounts the health and wellness industry and promotes nourishing your body and providing it what it needs through intuitive eating and incorporating movement that you enjoy. This is what defines health. Health is not based on your weight or BMI, but on how you feel and what works for you.
Giving you the tools you need to change your internal dialogue from negative self-talk to positive. Learning to love yourself no matter what/how you eat and no matter your size/weight.
We'll trace your relationship with food, as well as how your family and friends view and treat food. We’ll also explore how others around you talk about their own body – how all of these things contribute to your relationship with yourself and food.
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